WITH DOCG BAROLO WINE In addition to being perfect on a slice of bread for breakfast or a break, it pairs with all kinds of cheese, either fresh or aged, like Robiola di Roccaverano, Bra, Castelmagno, Taleggio, even with spicy and blue cheeses.You can also try it with raw ham and cold cuts, on boiled meat and grilled white meat.
Sweet and hot mix harmoniously in this versatile preserve.You can pair it with goat cheeses, cow milk middle and long aged cheeses (especially with a fat texture like Taleggio, Fontina, mountain tomas) and with blue cheeses.
In addition to being perfect on a slice of bread for breakfast or a break, it pairs with all kinds of cheese, either fresh or aged. In particular,it pairs ideally with blue cheeses like Gorgonzola or Roquefort, and with all medium-aged cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Robiola, Caciocavallo, mountain tomas, Fontina and young or medium-aged...