Erbe di montagna, speck aromatico e profumata bresaola: sono gli ingredienti principali dei nostri sughi di montagna, gustosi e originali. Prodotti artigianalmente in Valtellina, sono tutti a base di pomodoro 100% italiano e non contengono conservanti o additivi.
Fragrant mushrooms, aromatic speck and bresaola (typical Italian cured meats), 100% Italian tomato pulp: these are the main ingredients of our mountain sauces, tasty and original. Produced in the Lombardy valleys of Valtellina, they contain no preservatives or additives.
Aromatic speck and bresaola (typical Italian cured meats), 100% Italian tomato pulp: these are the main ingredients of our mountain sauces, tasty and original. Produced in the Lombardy valleys of Valtellina, they contain no preservatives or additives.
Fresh vegetables, aromatic speck and bresaola (typical Italian cured meats), 100% Italian tomato pulp: these are the main ingredients of our mountain sauces, tasty and original. Produced in the Lombardy valleys of Valtellina, they contain no preservatives or additives.
Fresh vegetables, aromatic speck and bresaola (typical Italian cured meats), 100% Italian tomato pulp: these are the main ingredients of our mountain sauces, tasty and original. Produced in the Lombardy valleys of Valtellina, they contain no preservatives or additives.
Fragrant mushrooms, 100% Italian tomato pulp: these are the main ingredients of our mountain sauces, tasty and original. Produced in the Lombardy valleys of Valtellina, they contain no preservatives or additives.